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Back on the road..

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Back on the road..
From: Will <tr6@mac.com>
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2001 12:12:11 +0000
Have to share this with the list as I had an amazing day yesterday: 
Two cheques arrived in the post, I got a commission from a new 
client, and the six made it back onto the road, 7 months after the 
accident. Even the new tax disc matches the new paint! I've never 
felt so good about being stuck in rush hour traffic, or taken so many 
detours to stay in it (after having a blast in the countryside 
between Potters Bar and London).

A big thank you to everyone who has responded to my questions (not 
too many as I did so little of the work myself), and especially to 
all who gave me encouragement when I was unsure of the wisdom of 
rebuilding with a heritage shell. I hope to put together a web site 
with details of the rebuild at some point, but at the moment I'm a 
bit tired of site building having just completed a year long 

One little curiosity: Seems the temp gauge is reading high but the 
fuel gauge is reading low. I thought this might be down to the 
stabilizer, but shouldn't they both be misreading the same way? Time 
to read Dan's book I suspect...meanwhile at least they are both 
erring on the safe side!

Now its time to visit the TR shop in Chiswick for those last little 
bits of trim - when is a rebuild finished? (The new 'How long is a 
piece of string?').

Regards to all
William Davies
1975 TR6 PI

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