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Christmas Present Help!

To: <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Christmas Present Help!
From: "Dan H. Detweiler" <dandet@alltel.net>
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2000 01:27:09 -0500
Greetings from a brand new contributor to the list. I can't say I am a
contributor though because at this point I don't know enough to contribute!
Santa brought me a slightly used 1970 TR6 for Christmas, and now I need some
advise as to a good place to start. I found the car through the VTR
classifieds and contacted a very nice gentleman who had this '70 and a '73.
The old two projects are not necessarily better than one routine. Anyway the
car ran pretty well but had some more body rust than I would have liked. To
make a long story short a price was agreed upon and I flew to Cincinnati to
pick up the car and bring it back to Atlanta. I know, I know, 30 year old
car/450 miles, not a good combination. I should have known better. Actually
the car did surprisingly well for the first 300 miles or so until I sheared a
U-joint in two. Needless to say, the remaining 150 miles were made on the back
of a flatbed.
Anyway, it is in it's new home and now I feeling just a tad bit overwhelmed at
where to start. I would really like to use this car as a learning tool for
myself and my son, so I am in no particular hurry. The mechanical stuff
doesn't concern me too much, but the body work is intimidating. (No prior
experience with a welding torch!) But I am willing to learn. I do have a
rebuilt transmission complete with A-type overdrive on the way, so there is
cause for some exhuberance.
Can anyone give me a good place to get started. I cant help but feel that
hidden under the layers and layers of bad paint, dirt and grime, lies a great
car waiting to be reborn.

Thanks for any help you can provide,

Dan H. Detweiler

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