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Re: Bog On Left Turns

To: d@donclark.org (Don Clark)
Subject: Re: Bog On Left Turns
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 23:39:07 -0700 (PDT)
Don---Several other listers complained of the same "bogging on Left hand
turns," but I don't recall any solid solutions for this turned in. You
didn't really say if the changes you made were before or after the
bogging started, but what you did do should not have caused this. Also,
it's difficult to tell if such a symptom is from too much fuel, or too
little, but it does sound more related to fuel than spark. If it's from
too much fuel, you may get a puff of black smoke out the tail pipes as
the condition tries to clear itself. Have a buddy watch for this as you
try to duplicate this manuever. It's possible the fuel level in one or
both bowls needs to be reset. If the "black smoke" appears, set the
float level at .750. If no smoke appears when the bogging occurs, set
the float level at .625. Let us know what you find. Be sure both carbs
are mechanically in sync at the linkage.

Dick Taylor

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