>After about 15 minutes of highway driving at 75ish mph, the o/d kicked
>out for about half a second, then went back in. A minute or so later,
>it kicked out completely. After another 5 minutes of
>driving, I tried engaging the o/d, and it worked. After 5 minutes the o/d
hiccupped, then kicked
>out again. (edited)
I had that kind of trouble myself and it only occurred while driving on
motorways. All the while driving on minor roads the od is fine.
I don't exactly know why but I thought it had to do with the gearbox switch, I
changed one against a different used one and after that it was fine for quite
a while. So I thought the switch was not adjusted aka shimmed properly. Having
said that it reoccurred so I'm not definite at all. Interesting to know if
there is a definite answer to that.
Cheers, Gernot
............Gernot von Hoegen................
---------------- A V A C --------------------
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