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Final Clutch chapter (I hope)

To: "6pack" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Final Clutch chapter (I hope)
From: "Charles and Linda Duckworth" <cnlduckwor@ninenet.com>
Date: Sat, 20 May 2000 19:39:27 -0500
Ordered a new slave cylinder and push rod this week from Victoria British,
something told me to order from a different vendor than the one I'd been
using, anyway the new parts showed up on Wednesday and I took them over to
the car's 'home away from home' garage and we changed out the old for the
new.  The old cylinder (bought from Northwest Bristish Car Parts two years
ago - great outfit IMO) 'ears' for the attachment bolts were about 3/8" less
thick than the cylinder I bought from VB.  Would have never guessed two
different styles were made or someone made a batch and machined the surfaces
off too much.  Anyway the piston is working great - not popping out the
back.  VB advertises OME equipment but I would have thought a slave cylinder
was a slave cylinder - so another leason learned.  Spend about 2 hours
putting the interior back in and drove around for a couple of hours enjoying
the St. Louis mild weather (65 degrees).

Thanks to Dick (or is it Sally that 'really' puts out the expert TR advise)
and others for help with the trouble shooting, who would have thought.

1976 TR-6

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