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[Fwd: TR6 J type overdrive]

To: 6 Pack List <6pack@autox.team.net>, TR6 List <triumphs@autox.team.net>
Subject: [Fwd: TR6 J type overdrive]
From: Jim Davis <jh_davis@mindspring.com>
Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 18:02:59 -0400
Jim Davis wrote:
     Finally got my engine and transmission installed on CF38690UO. The
 engine fired right up, which always amazes me considering my lack of
 mechanical skills. I ran the engine for 20 minutes at 2000 rpm, then
 timed it at idle the best I could. I installed the Isky Z-19 cam and
 I'm not sure exactly where it should be until I can road test it.
    Question, should I change the straight 30w oil now, or wait until
 I have 500 mi. on the engine? If I change the oil now, replace it with
 my normal Castrol 20w50?
     Another question. I was checking out the wiring for the o/d and
 reverse lamps and while I got about 10v to the solenoid with the
 trans. in 3rd or 4th, it didn't click. Seems like when I've done this
 before, I could hear the solenoid energize. Does this mean my solenoid
 is shot, or do I need to quit worrying and wait to see if it works
 while the car is in operation?
 Jim Davis
 Fortson, GA

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