Dear Listers
I have been having trouble finding a correct wiring diagram for my 76
tr6 USA spec. I have examined several sources only to find slight
deviations in the circuit on all. My car has 2 wires connected to the
positive side of the ign coil, one is the resiance wire as indicated on
several diagrams, and the second, I assume is a ballast resistor bypass wire
which should be 12v during cranking only, however I cannot confirm the
second wire on any wiring diagram. It is defiantly part of the original
wiring harness though. I also have noticed that there is a bulb check
function on the EGR warning light which illuminates the bulb during
cranking. This also, does not appear on any wiring diagrams, as a mater of
fact, The EGR warning light is omitted all together. I have checked the
following diagrams already, Bentley manual 75-76, Mitchell manual 75-76,
Haynes and Clymer. Have any of you come across an accurate diagram, I was
hoping that the Factory Service Manual would be accurate. Your help will be
much appreciated.
Best Regards,
Joseph Garruba