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Re: fender seal

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: fender seal
From: Btp44@aol.com
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2000 13:13:27 EDT
Ben-Learn from my mistake.  Recently, I went through the same procedure as 
you are doing.  I used a non-hardening caulk sealer that later caused 
problems with paint adhesion.  I had to remove the fenders&repaint the area.  
Contact the shop that will do the paint and let them recommend a sealer that 
is compatible with the paint they will be using.  That puts the monkey on 
their back if a problem develops.  I presume that you sandblasted the fender 
flanges&used some sort of rustproof paint (let your painter make the call).  

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