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Re: TR-6 Carbs, need to choke-

To: pconover@mediaone.net (Peter Conover)
Subject: Re: TR-6 Carbs, need to choke-
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2000 00:22:24 -0700 (PDT)
Peter---Since your's is a '74, you have the "adjustable" needle carbs.
Any chance that somehow, during your rebuilding, that these needles got
lowered farther into the jets than they should be? As you may know, this
leans out the mix. To check this, take out the damper rod(s) and turn
the adjustment fully clock-wise. (You'll feel the adjustment bottom
out.) If you can turn either carb adjustment screw clockwise more than,
say, two full turns, they were set on the lean side which can cause the
stumbling, or searching at idle.    Set the carbs to full rich, just to
see if that corrects your need to run with the choke on.  You can always
re-adjust it/them if you now find them too rich. Let us know...


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