Dear Thorsten,The last screen renewal was fitted by
professonells.Fitting windscreens is a tricky job and
the triumph is no exception. Getting a watertite seal
is not easy around the lowerparts of the
screen.Getting the stainless steel strip back again is
definitely not for the amateur, but you can leave it
out if you wish.Chris Witter has screens and new
rubbers over here in the UK and will ship for you.
These are second hand screens. I need to fit new
rubbers to both the back and front areas on my 2000
and spoke to a windscreen fitting service .they would
do both for about #60.00. The chap said to let him
know before hand and he would make sure he was on
holiday. So I dont think it is an easy job.All the
best John.
--- "Kvppe,_Thorsten" <> wrote:
> Hello all!
> Last weekend the windscreen of my 1971 2000 MkII
> Estate broke into a million
> pieces.
> While attempting to find a new one (laminated this
> time), which is not easy
> here in Germany, I wonder how difficult it is to
> replace the screen myself.
> The meanings/recommendations of a few people I
> talked to range from "I did
> it a million times, it's a ten minute job to do" to
> "don't touch it! Find an
> experienced professional or you'll break the
> screen/the chrome
> trim/everything!".
> So, dear listers, would you recommend this job to a
> low-skilled guy like me
> (at least I've got a friend who did this job on a
> 1970s Mercedes 200), and
> if so, can you provide me with a step-by-step guide
> to remove the remainings
> of the old screen and to fit in the new one?
> Btw: Windscreens offers are welcome too, please keep
> in mind that shipping
> to Hamburg, Germany might be dangerous and costly.
> Thanks in advance,
> Thorsten
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