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More re diffs

To: "Triumph mailing list" <2000-register@autox.team.net>
Subject: More re diffs
From: "Harold" <haroldejw@clear.net.nz>
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 19:22:08 +1200
Hi Terry
Re my mail to the list a few weeks back and your reply to the list.  I have
a 3.7 diff which I would like to service and put in our MK 1 2000. I don't
know its history but an elderly gentleman fitted it into his S type and
found to slow but didn't say if it made any odd noises. I think he would
have had there been a problem. It needs new planet thrust washers but also
its got a bit of play in the pinion end shaft nut. You can get a bit of
uplift by applying uplift to the nut. I don't have a dial gauge but have
done a rough estimate using a feeler gauge and it around 6 to 8 thou.,
I am not a mechanic but along with my Son Dave we manage a good number of
Can I reduce this play by installing another shim on the pinion shaft and in
so doing not affect the mesh at the C / W and P such that it starts to get
noisy or do you have to also alter the shims to both sides of the diff unit
at the same time. If so it sounds a bit to much for us, do you think. Also
at what stage should all of the bearings be replaced, I wonder if they are
left indefinitely that if they do start wearing it will immediately affect
the C / W and cause it to start wearing away.  Once a C / W and pinion
starts making noise can adjustments be made to stop the noise.

Many thanks
Harold Watson

///  2000-register@autox.team.net mailing list

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