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update on the PI...

To: "Triumph mailing list" <2000-register@autox.team.net>
Subject: update on the PI...
From: "Dave W" <dw_triumph@clear.net.nz>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 19:32:34 +1200
Hi again everyone,
As I said in the last post I had started the cleaning of the rather
dilapidated engine bay. Well, after doing most (that's code "not much") of
the angle-grinder accessible areas (nothing smaller than a cricket pitch), I
came to the incredibly bright conclusion that I was in for a long hard job!
Thinking I could take the short-cut I got the Yellow Pages out (again) and
looked for a mobile sandblaster, found one (the ONLY one in town!) and gave
the place a call to find they wouldn't be able to do it for at least month.
So now I'm back to doing it all by hand and a wire brush.

But on a far lighter note I've found the paint colour that the PI will be
sporting in a few months time..... - Giallo Modena - If you can handle it
(Warning for purists!!), here's a picture of a new Ferrari bathing in it:

Dave W

///  2000-register@autox.team.net mailing list

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