Hello Triumph Land,
I have a new web site at http://www.mytriumphs.ic24.net all about my
collection of 2000's. There is a page for a listing of all the cars that
have been scrapped for whatever reason (also a 2500 version page) so that
anyone can have a look to see if it answers their question "What happened to
my old triumph"?. If you know of any cars that met this fate could you let
me know. All I need is (1)The Registration and year if possible (2)Model
type (3)A very very brief description of why it was scrapped e.g. road
accident, rust, too major a repair or abandoned etc.etc. I will reply to who
ever sends me the info when I've put it on my site.
All the best
/// 2000-register@autox.team.net mailing list