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Climbing on the bandwagon ? (Longish)

To: "2000- Register" <2000-Register@autox.team.net>,
Subject: Climbing on the bandwagon ? (Longish)
From: "jonmac" <jonmac@ndirect.co.uk>
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1999 15:15:46 -0000
I received the latest copy of the magazine today from The
Standard Motor Club and was interested to read Editor Chris
Janes' closing editorial for the last issue of this century.

For those listers who do not receive too many (or any) UK
club magazines, it's worth mentioning there has been a bit
of a fracas during 1999 about what may loosely be termed as
'historical accuracy,' who reports it and how it's reported.

"Club Torque" (magazine of Club Triumph) started the ball
rolling earlier in the year when the editor, Bill Bolton
took Triumph World contributor, Robin Penrice to task on a
number of points. That rumbled around for a bit and a member
or two wrote in to "Club Torque" putting the boot in as
well. In August, I published a critique of Graham Robson in
Triumph SIXappeal that clearly put a very large cat among an
even larger flock of pigeons - and I received many letters
and even more phone calls, broadly saying "go for it." Even
a Committee member of The Triumph 2000 Register broadly
agreed with what I wrote and a VP from one of the Stag Clubs
stuck up both arms and legs in support. Even sent me some
very interesting copy correspondence to back up his views.

Now, I note with interest that The Standard Motor Club has
joined the throng. In his editorial, Chris Janes writes:

"Memories, and those who use them for gain is a subject of
some argument in the Triumph magazines, those who at one
time worked for Standard Triumph International in the late
1950's and early 1960's have every right to tell their
stories but they should remember to be accurate in their
writings in professional publications. We are lucky we have
a few members, and one especially, David Mileham, (who
incidentally won the Editors Cup this year) who worked at
Standard Triumph and does not enter into the above category.
R.P. AND G.R. should remember that every time they knock the
marque and people like Captain Sir John Black, they injure
not only the people but the marque as well, tell the truth
by all means but do not tell untruth to sell a story."

The last fifteen words ought to cause a bit of a flurry and
I am only repeating Janes' words - but WOW! Have people
really been so naughty and told a pack of lies in an attempt
to feed the hungry minds of enthusiasts? Mr. Janes does not
actually state the people he means by the initials RP and GR
and his observation needs a bit of disseminating. If
"professional publication" is the key term, isn't there only
one 'professional publication' originating in the UK called
Triumph World? If this assumption is correct, I wonder if
Chris is referring to Triumph World's two regular columnists
in the forms of Robin Penrice and Graham Robson?

I have a sneaky feeling he might be.

But Mr. Robson of all people writing untruth!!!!!!????????
Mr. ROBSON, dear old Graham telling porky pies and maybe
even getting paid for it? Oh dear, tut tut - I guess that'll
turn the milk sour on a certain doorstep in Burton Bradstock
and I can't wait to see the reaction. In fact, I might even
change the habit of a lifetime and actually make a point of
buying the next copy of TW to see what old GR has to say in

On second thoughts, nah! It only builds up my blood pressure
together with a number of other ex-Triumph people as well
who don't buy the magazine for exactly the same reason.

But all this leads to an interesting train of thought. If
UNtruth has been written to date, is there a possibility
this accusation of Chris' might only be a tip of an iceberg?
If it is, who is getting their act together to write the
TRUTH to sink another Titanic? There are interesting rumbles
from various quarters that individuals (and I'm not one of
them) are lurking in the wings off-stage and even now have
gathered a raft of material with that sole objective. I
suspect there could be a substantial level of interest in
what that author/those authors have to say and it's one book
about Standard Triumph I'll certainly buy. Does anyone else
have a broadly similar view? Any replies will be received
with interest off list. Current opinion is the periscope is
up, the Captain has said "Mark" while all for'ard and aft
tubes are full of torpedoes. Next year ought to be
interesting ...


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