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A curious dilemma

To: "2000- Register" <2000-Register@autox.team.net>,
Subject: A curious dilemma
From: "jonmac" <jonmac@ndirect.co.uk>
Date: Tue, 7 Dec 1999 14:58:19 -0000
The subject is external oil feeds. I've just refitted my
2500 injection head having had hardened valveseats fitted
and a general top end overhaul, including gas flowing and a
skim to clean up mating surfaces. Prior to fitting, I spent
about an hour with various lengths of welding wire and a
high pressure kero wash and brush probing into oil
drillings. I then spent a further happy few minutes with
many cubic metres of very compressed air. Prior to fitting
the head, I installed the oil supply pipe to the rear of the
head, properly installed copper washers etc and then went
through the motions of torquing the head, fitting valve gear
etc - as you do. After cranking to circulate oil, time comes
to re-connect essential wires and start.
Oil p******g out and initially traced to a defective spin-on
oil filter sealing ring. Changed that. P*****g continued
unabated and eventually traced to the external feed into the
head where, despite what appeared to be a very comprehensive
and effective seal, the oil was being forced out in
voluminous quantities. We open for skating on the garage
floor tomorrow.
I'm as satisfied as I can be that there are no internal
obstructions and the rockers are clearly getting their oil
supply via the pedestal drillings, so I've temporarily taken
off the feed pipe and replaced the blanking plug. No more
The only reason I can think is that possibly there's an
excessive oil flow up top and too much to go through the
drillings. Seems odd. Has anyone else had this problem and
if so, did you dispense with the external oil feed - oe


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