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URL for Girling.

To: "Triumph List" <triumphs@autox.team.net>,
Subject: URL for Girling.
From: "Liz Clancy" <liz@long-dog.demon.co.uk>
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 12:24:24 -0000
Hi Listers,

does anyone have a URL for Girling?

I am continuing research into caliper swaps (looking at Rover Vitesse Vented
single pipe conversion - ! -  at the moment) and other  issues (uprated roto

Will publish what I have when I have the whole picture, but things are
looking good!!!


Jon Clancy
GT6 Mk2
2.5 PI lump awaiting!!!


ps  Does anyone in the UK have a 2500S head and some *cheap* PI gear they
want rid of?

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