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Re: Unleaded PI metering units

To: Andrew Clippingdale <a.clippingdale@hfi.unimelb.EDU.AU>
Subject: Re: Unleaded PI metering units
From: David Hill <davhill@cwcom.net>
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 23:41:23 +0100
Hi Andrew, 

As I understand it, the tetraethyl lead in leaded fuel does nothing
until it reaches a high temperature (+300 deg. C). Then, it helps out
the valves in the engine. 
Metering units are not upset by unleaded in metallurgical terms but the
seals apparently can't cope. The new seals and diaphragm I fitted are
made of Viton and I believe that this is the only requirement for use
with unleaded. 
I have not yet used unleaded in my car but come the millennium, I plan
to use additives, until I can afford to modify the valves/seats/guides. 
The bad news is that Redline additive has gone up by about £6.00 in the
UK. The reason? Import duty. We can't win, can we?


Dave Hill

Andrew Clippingdale wrote:
> Hi all
> At last, time to stop lurking, and seek answers from you all. I was reading
> in the last couple of "six appeal" mags that PI fuel metering units
> suitable for use with unleaded fuel are now available in the UK. Does
> anyone know what aspects of the old units were unsuitable for use with
> unleaded, and what has been done to rectify this in these new(or recon?)
> units? I was under the impression that the lead aided the unit's
> lubrication. (Please correct me if I'm wrong!)
> Just out of interest for now, but when leaded fuel disappears from the land
> of Oz this may become rather important for me to know!
> Thanks in advance
> Andrew Clippingdale
> '71 2.5 PI Mk II
> Melbourne, Australia

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