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[Healeys] HD carbs tuning with modern gas

To: AustinHealeylist <healeys@autox.team.net>
Subject: [Healeys] HD carbs tuning with modern gas
From: goldengt@cal.net
Date: Sat, 01 Mar 2025 15:44:12 -0800
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I have been using the rich needles for years on my BJ8 because the Air 
Fuel meter said I was going too lean up my hills at cruise. I could feel 
it too.
SWMBO is really bugging me about burbling on the overrun.
Today the best I could do for idle mixture was 3 1/4 turns from flush 
instead of 2 1/2. When lifting the little pin, it didn't die but it 
didn't have the momentary speed up either.
Is this it for California fuel or should I try something else?
Forty years ago, I could get the momentary speed up, no sweat.
If I increase timing from about 8 degrees, it will ping.
Ken Freese
65 BJ8

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