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Michael- I'm not finding anything with 13TPI. I assume you are=0Areferri=
ng to part 1B3665 (#22 in GB diagram). The switch that goes in,=0A2H2272=
was changed to 11G3062. Not sure if that part change was to UNF=0Aor ju=
st from screw terminal to clips. If they kept the same thread=0Athru out=
production it must be some kind of British:=0A5/8 Whitworth 15.875MM 55=
degrees 5/8 BSF is 14TPI5/8 BSPF (British=0AStandard Pipe Parallel) 55de=
grees, 14TPI also called HSS5/8 BSC=0A(British Std. Cycle) fine thread5/=
8 BSTP (British Standard Taper) ?=0ABy the way there is one for sale on=
ebay for $45. Regards, Hank=0A=0A=09-----------------------------------=
------From: "Michael Salter via=0AHealeys" =0ATo: "healeys@autox.team.ne=
t"=0ACc: =0ASent: Wednesday August 11 2021 10:42:15AM=0ASubject: [Healey=
s] Another thread question=0A=0A The inhibitor switch which is used in=
overdrive gearboxes has a=0Athread that I cannot identify. Measuring th=
e outside diameter of the=0Athread I get 0.618" ... probably 5/8" (0.625=
) The TPI is 13 ...=0Adefinitely not 12 or 14. Can't find it in my limit=
ed resources ...=0A Anyone able to identify this thread for me? =0A M=0A
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<html><body>Michael- I'm not finding anything with 13TPI. I assume=
you are referring to part 1B3665 (#22 in GB diagram). The switch=
that goes in, 2H2272 was changed to 11G3062. Not sure if that par=
t change was to UNF or just from screw terminal to clips. If they kept t=
he same thread thru out production it must be some kind of British:<div>=
<br></div><div>5/8 Whitworth 15.875MM 55degrees </div><div>5/8 BSF=
is 14TPI</div><div>5/8 BSPF (British Standard Pipe Parallel) 55degrees,=
14TPI also called HSS</div><div>5/8 BSC (British Std. Cycle) fine threa=
d</div><div>5/8 BSTP (British Standard Taper) ?</div><div><br></di=
v><div>By the way there is one for sale on ebay for $45. Regards, Hank</=
><div class=3D"reply-new-signature"></div><p>---------------------------=
--------------</p>From: "Michael Salter via Healeys" <healeys@autox.team=
.net><br>To: "healeys@autox.team.net"<br>Cc: <br>Sent: Wednesday August=
11 2021 10:42:15AM<br>Subject: [Healeys] Another thread question<br><br=
>=0A<div dir=3D"ltr">=0A<div class=3D"gmail_default" style=3D"font-famil=
y:arial, sans-serif;font-size:small;">The inhibitor switch=0Awhich is us=
ed in overdrive gearboxes has a thread that I cannot=0Aidentify.</div>=
=0A<div class=3D"gmail_default" style=3D"font-family:arial, sans-serif;f=
ont-size:small;">Measuring the=0Aoutside diameter of the thread I get 0.=
618" ... probably 5/8"=0A(0.625)</div>=0A<div class=3D"gmail_default" st=
yle=3D"font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-size:small;">The TPI is 13 ...=
=0Adefinitely not 12 or 14.</div>=0A<div class=3D"gmail_default" style=
=3D"font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-size:small;">Can't find it in my=
=0Alimited resources ...<br></div>=0A<div class=3D"gmail_default" style=
=3D"font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-size:small;">Anyone able to=0Aide=
ntify this thread for me?</div>=0A<div class=3D"gmail_default" style=3D"=
font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-size:small;"><br></div>=0A<div class=
=3D"gmail_default" style=3D"font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-size:smal=
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