Lin, a drip pan under your compressor? Is it made in Britain then?
Jack Aeckerlin, The Netherlands
1964 BJ8 29432
2009/7/23 Linwood H Rose <>
> List,
> Just want to say thanks to all who responded to my inquiry. All of your
> comments were quite helpful, and appreciated.
> I am going to mount some adjustable shock absorbing feet on the bottom of
> two pieces of 4 x 4 and then bolt the compressor to the wood 4 x 4. This
> will allow me to be sure the unit is level, and I will be able to slide a
> drip pan under the unit easily. Then I will turn it on and see if it wants
> to "walk." If it does, I will put a strap around it, but I will wait on that
> until I see what it happens.
> Again. Thanks everyone. I really did not want to drill the holes in the
> floor! The purchaser's comments of this particular unit call it especially
> quiet, but I will reserve judgment until I see it in action.
> Lin
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