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Re: Engine / Driveshaftclearances

To: Alain Gigu�re <agig@sympatico.ca>,
Subject: Re: Engine / Driveshaftclearances
From: "davidwjones" <davidwjones@cox.net>
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 2004 11:44:26 -0400
With the radiator in place it was not really possible to get an accurate
distance between the pump pulley and the frame cross members, and since I
doubted that your radiator is in, I didn't take the pulley to radiator
measurement.  However, the distance from the rear edge of the  valve cover
lip to the firewall was 1 7/8 inches or 4.5 cm.  (That was to the metal of
the firewall, not to the asbestos heat shield).

"Your mileage may vary"

Dave Jones
'62 BT7 tricarb

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Alain Giguhre" <agig@sympatico.ca>
To: "davidwjones" <davidwjones@cox.net>
Sent: Sunday, July 18, 2004 9:54 AM
Subject: Re: Engine / Driveshaftclearances

>Provided that no one has posted an answer before then, I'll go out to the
>garage and measure it in the AM..  My car is a BT7, But I'm pretty sure
>are the same, firewall forward...

Thanks, just curious to see if I'm in the ball park....

>9094 1154 Quibec Inc.
>(514) 385-1186
>(514) 914-2419

Alain Giguere
BN7 Bits

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